Cara and Darren Grant

Blanchard, OK 73141
We are a home school family of eight with a small family farm in Blanchard Oklahoma. Our dogs Arch an Pearl help us with the livestock with includes, goats, sheep, geese, ducks, muscovy, and chickens. Pearl is finally of breeding age and we hope to be able to provide some other like minded families with some of these great dogs in the near future. My second daughter just brought home another female and the kids have welcomed Sarena into the family. Email us at

Dogs Owned

Dogs Bred

Cudsumer's Drover Cudsumer's Kendrick Grant's Agnus mo chridhe Grant's Alfreeda Grant's Angus Grant's Angus MacFergus MacTavish Dundee Grant's Angus Sir Arch Ford Grant's Anne of Avonlea Grant's Annis Grant's Apollo Shoot for the Moon Grant's Arabella Skye Grant's Archibald's Kenneth Aurelius Grant's Aspen Grant's Athena Grant's Atsilv Grant's Barbara Leininger Grant's Belle of Iona Grant's Betty White Grant's Bonnie Lass of Emerald Hills Grant's Bonnie of Summerside Farms Grant's Boston Grant's Boston Journey Grant's Bretta Grant's Bruce Grant's Buddy Grant's Caledonia of Summerside Farms Grant's Callie Grant's Carley Grant's Casey Jo Light Grant's Cedar Creek's Knox Grant's Cherrykee Blossom of the Prairie Grant's Chewbacca Grant's Chief of the Nation Grant's Chipper Grant's Christmas Angel Grant's Christopher's Peace Grant's Col. Brandon Grant's Col. Fitzwilliam Grant's Conor Gregory Dill Grant's Copper Grant's Cowboy Grant's Cyrus Grant's Daisy Grant's Daphne Grant's Darla Grant's Darling Grant's Davey Grant's David Grant's DEC Anya Grant's DEC Hamish the Scotsman Grant's DEC Lady Keanna Grant's Denny Grant's Doc Grant's Dougal Grant's Echo Grant's Elton Grant's Emrys Grant's Everest of Featherburry Grant's Fenella Grant's Fife Grant's Finn Grant's Finn MacCool Grant's Five Sisters' Molly Grant's Flint Grant's Franko Calling Bird Grant's Fredrick the Wise Grant's Fredrick Wentworth Grant's Gentleness Grant's Golly MacKenzie Grant's Gorge London Grant's Gregor Grant's Hanging Chad Grant's Hank Grant's Hank the Tank! Grant's Harley Grant's Harley Spyksma Grant's Hazel Grant's Hazel Grant's Heimdall Hudson Grant's Helen's Callie Grant's Huckleberry Scout of Redbud Ranch Grant's Isobel Skye of Buchan Grant's Jack Grant's Jeanette MacDonald Grant's Jenn'sWay Kismet Grant's Jessye Norman Grant's Jewleen Grant's Jolly Roger Grant's Joy Grant's Kai Grant's Keeper Grant's Keotaa Grant's Kindness Grant's Kirk Morgan Grant's Lad of the Plains Grant's Lady Cyrus Grant's Lady Rose Grant's Lady Scarlett Skye Grant's Lassie Grant's Lassie Grant's Lassie Rom-Aln Grant's Leo Grant's Levi Joseph Caleb Park Grant's Liùsaidh Grant's Lila Grant's Los Angeles RIV Grant's Lucy Grant's Lucy of the River Grant's Luka Grant's Macallan Grant's MacIntyre Grant's Maggie Grant's Maggie Rose Grant's Maggie Walker Grant's Magnus Grant's Maiah Nighean Archie Grant's Mara Grant's Margot Grant's Mayflower Grant's Montserrat Caballe Grant's Mudd Clark Grant's Naphtali Grant's Nicolai Gedda Grant's Oakley Grant's Patience Grant's Peace Grant's Peter Pan Grant's PGP Bailey Grant's Philadelphia Grant's Precious Jewels of Pearl Grant's Princess Basil Grant's Ragnar Grant's Ranger Grant's Rennie Grant's Revy Grant's Richard The Lionhearted Grant's Robbie MacColl Grant's Royal Duchess Eleorah Siena Grant's Ruth Grant's Ryan Brenan Grant's Sabaka Diva Grant's Sadie Grant's Schoolhouse Ranch Bonnie Grant's Scotty Grant's Seona Grant's Shane's Holly Grant's Shenan Grant's Sir Duncan Scott Glover Grant's Sir Gawain Grant's Sir John de Graham Grant's Sir Max Grant's Sir William Wallace Grant's Sky Pearl of the Cosmos Grant's Skye Grant's Spanish Lily Grant's Stella Grant's Summer Grant's Sunny Skies Harvest Grant's Sunny Skies Latte Grant's Sunny Skies Pie Grant's Sunny Skies Pilgrim Grant's Sunny Skies Pumpkin Grant's Sunny Skies Sadie Mae Grant's Sunny Skies Sol Grant's Super Nova Grant's The Flying Scotsman Grant's The Honorable Patches from When a Man's a Man Grant's Thiarnaigh Grant's Tieghan Macallan Grant's Timmy Grant's Tuck Frankincense Grant's Westley Grant's Willow Grant's Yakul Grant's Cosmos Grant's DEC Lady Carliss Grant's DEC Lady Odette Grant's DEC Lady Tess Grant's Gold Grant's Hera Grant's Hope Farwell from The Calling of Dan Matthews Grant's Indigo Montoya, the Spaniard Grant's Jade Grant's Jessie Brenan Grant's Lillian Grant's Madeleine Grant's Mail-In-Ballot Grant's Miracle Max Grant's Myrrh Grant's Mystery Girl Grant's Piping Piper Grant's Rachel Grant's Sammy Lane from The Shepherd of the Hills Grant's Scout Grant's Shepherd Grant's Thad Sherman Grant's Theodore Grant's Ti Grant's Turtle Dove Grant's Udell from That Printer of Udell's Grant's Valerie Grant's Whitney Houston Grant's Wiseman Grant's Young Matt of the Shepherd of the Hills Joe Fox Grant Wright Zephyr Prairie's Eddie